Mimetics of active factor VIII (FVIIIa) and their impact on laboratory tests of haemostasis
The introduction of long-acting, subcutaneously administered mimetics mimicking active factor VIII (FVIIIa) is undoubtedly a breakthrough in the prophylactic treatment of haemophilia A patients. The innovative nature and mode of action of FVIIIa mimetic molecules has significant impact on the current algorithms for laboratory monitoring of haemophilia treatment. Drug level monitoring for dose adjustment is not required; in clinical practice however, laboratory monitoring of haemostasis may be useful, if surgical intervention is required or bleeding occurs despite prophylaxis. In such cases, awareness of the impact of FVIIIa mimetic therapy on laboratory tests of haemostasis is a necessary condition for efficient utilization and interpretation of results.
Słowa kluczowe: haemophilia Ahaemostasis testsfactor VIIIFVIII mimeticsemicizumabmim8