Tom 16, Nr 4 (2023)
Sprawozdanie z konferencji / Sprawozdanie
Opublikowany online: 2024-02-09
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Wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące inaktywacji czynników chorobotwórczych w składnikach krwi w świetle doniesień prezentowanych na 33. Regionalnym Kongresie International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) w Göteborgu, 17–21 czerwca 2023 roku
DOI: 10.5603/jtm.98215
Journal of Transfusion Medicine 2023;16(4):284-290.
- Seltsam A, Update on pathogen inactivation of whole blood, red blood cells, platelets and plasma, Vox Sang.2023, PA08-L01. .
- Richard P, Thibert J, Malard L et al. Implementation of 100% pathogen-reduced platelet concentrates in France: Impact on manufacturing and issuing of platelet concentrates as well as on the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections. Vox Sang., PA08-L02. .
- Hechler B, Brouard N, Rudwill F, Mouriaux C, Et al. In vitro biochemical and functional characteristics of stored (double-dose) buffy-coat platelet concentrates treated with amotosalen and a prototype UVA light-emitting diode iluminator, Vox Sang. 2023, P202. .
- Krath M, Nahata P, McCormack M, Johnson A, Et al. Amotosalen and UVA treatment of enterobacter soli, leclercia adecarboxylata and staphylococcus saoriohyticus from a contaminated apheresis platelet unit, Vox Sang. 2023, P203. .
- Nahata P, McCormack M, Johnson A, Stafford B, Et al., Inactivation of WHO reference bacterial strains in platelet and plasma coponents using Amotosalen/UVA treatment, Vox Sang. 2023, P209. .
- Auvinen M, Löf H, Knutson F, Pathogen reduced plasmas from maxi-pools combined with fast thawing for use in emergency situations, Vox Sang. 2023, P207. .
- Van Der Meer P, Groot S, Klei T, Improvment of platelet quality after pathogen inactivation, Vox Sang. 2023, P206. .
- Bubiński M, Gronowska A, Lasocka J, Lachert E, Evaluation of CD44, CD47 and annexin V expression in leuko-reduced packed RBCs stored in additive solution obtained from WB subjected to pathogen inactivation and separation, Vox Sang. 2023, P212. .
- Malvaux N, Defraigne F, Schuhmacher A, Initial experience of switching pathogen inactivation system with extended platelet shelf life, Vox Sang. 2023, P205. .
- Gravemann U, Sumian C, Schulze T, Virus inactivation of plasma by methylene blue/light treatment using a DEHP-free bag system, Vox Sang. 2023, P204. .
- Gravemann U, Sumian C, Schulze T, Bacteria elimination from plasma by methylene blue/light treatment using a DEHP-free bag system, Vox Sang. 2023, P208, DOU. .
- Handke W, Dresel S, Seltsam A, Implementation of a UVC-based pathogen reduction treatment for apheresis platelets at regional blood service in Germany, Vox Sang. 2023, P210. .
- Benjamin R J, Pitman J P, von Goetz M, Et al., A pilot study tracking pathogen reduced RBCs in vivo using Surface acridine and biotin flow cytometric markers, Vox Sang. 2023, P211. .