Tom 17, Nr 3 (2024)
Opis przypadku
Opublikowany online: 2024-11-08
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The influence of methyldopa on immunohematological tests during pregnancy
DOI: 10.5603/jtm.103322
Journal of Transfusion Medicine 2024;17(3):122-126.
Over the years, it has been proven that methyldopa can cause production of autoantibodies against
red blood cells leading to immune hemolytic anemia. Currently, methyldopa is used to treat
gestational hypertension due to demonstrated safety for use during pregnancy and multiple
clinical trials. Positive antiglobulin tests observed in some pregnant women taking methyldopa.
Słowa kluczowe: methyldopadrug-induced hemolytic anemiaantiglobulin testhypertension in pregnancy