Vol 72, No 3 (2021)
Original article
Published online: 2021-09-29

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The relationship between work environment and occupational accidents among fishermen in Indonesian coastal areas

Putri Ayuni Alayyannur1, Shintia Yunita Arini1
Pubmed: 34604989
Int Marit Health 2021;72(3):195-198.


Background: Two-thirds of Indonesia’s territory is water, creating much of the coastal area. Unfortunately, there is no data regarding the exact number and demographics of the population in coastal areas who work as fishermen. Residents who work as fishermen are at risk of work accidents. The increasingly uncertain number of fishermen makes it more difficult to analyse work accidents around the coastal areas. This study is an observational study and cross-sectional study. It aims to analyse the relationship between work environment and occupational accidents among fishermen in coastal areas.
Materials and methods: It was conducted using a quantitative approach. This study was located in the coastal areas in Sidoarjo, Tarakan, and Bangkalan. Sampling was conducted using snowball technique which obtained 56 respondents. Variables in this study included work climate, noise, lighting, and occupational accidents with data analysis using the Spearman’s rank test.
Results: The results showed that work environment which included work climate, noise, and lighting had no relationship with occupational accidents among fishermen since p-value > 0.05.
Conclusions: This study concludes that work climate, noise and lighting have no significant relationship with occupational accidents.

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