Vol 71, No 1 (2020)
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Published online: 2020-03-21

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Safety behaviour and healthy diving: a qualitative study in the traditional diverse fishermen

Kusnanto Kusnanto1, La Rakhmat Wabula2, Bambang Purwanto3, Hidayat Arifin2, Yulia Kurniawati2
Pubmed: 32212149
Int Marit Health 2020;71(1):56-61.


Background: Traditional divers from the Maluku Province of Indonesia have not received formal education and training related to standard diving tools. They only become accomplished at diving generation by generation. The use of non-standard diving tools increases the risk of injury and illness. This study aimed to get an overview of the health and safety behaviours of traditional divers. Materials and methods: The study was qualitative, involving 15 traditional divers who used compressors for at least 1 year and who’d had decompression sickness and barotrauma as a result of diving. The data was obtained through in-depth interviews, analysed through the Colaizzi method. Results: The participants’ diving health and safety behaviour is triggered by the perception of the risk of diving. This is supported by the reinforcing social and environmental factors leading to the form of health and safety behaviour when diving. These behaviours include diving without planning, using a compressor, and making “sesajen” (kind of food, leaves, and water that are believed to be a form of surrender to the creator) which is an offering or present to the gods or ancestors. This behaviour causes complaints such as trauma and an increased economic burden. Some participants consider complaints as a threat and plan to stop diving. The participants made a plan before dive and declared that they would change their behaviour to ensure safety. Conclusions: Health and safety behaviour related to diving must be socialised and facilitated. The establishment of a divers’ community that cares about health and safety behaviour needs to become important as a support system.

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