Request for professional medical aid on board ocean-going ships in the Republic of Croatia
Despite modern ship technologies, high-quality crew accommodation and exceptional communications, the absence of a doctor on board presents an issue in terms of the timely, adequate and efficient response to acute health disorders and life-threatening injuries.
A serious health condition of an injured or sick person, insufficient medical knowledge of the on-board officers, inadequately equipped ship’s infirmary, or scarce supply of medicines are among the typical reasons for requesting professional shore-based medical assistance. This can be achieved by requesting Radio Medical Advice or by activating air-borne medical assistance, i.e. bringing a doctor by helicopter or by Medical Evacuation, i.e. transferring the ill or injured person to the shore medical institution. The Maritime Telemedical Assistance Services are available across the world. They use all the technical possibilities available, including e-mails and very widely used photo and video attachments as well as the emergency real-time live videos. In on-board practice, the most common solution is to use medical advice over the radio (through terrestrial or satellite networks). This paper discusses the ways of requesting professional medical advice or aid on board ocean-going merchant ships in the Republic of Croatia.
Keywords: radio-medical advicemedical evacuationmaritime transport
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