Vol 70, No 1 (2019)
Review article
Published online: 2019-03-28

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A Medical Support in Offshore Racing — Workshop on Medical Support for Offshore Yacht Races, Telemedical Advice Service (TMAS), 1–2 December 2018, London, United Kingdom

Nebojša Nikolić1, Roger Nilson2, Spike Briggs3, Arne J. Ulven4, Agnar Tveten5, Simon Forbes6, Carmen Vaz Pardal7, Lucas Viruly8, Rob Verbist9
Pubmed: 30931515
IMH 2019;70(1):27-41.


The safety and health of sailors offshore is of major concern. World Sailing (WS) and International Maritime Health Association (IMHA) are taking seriously the potential dangers to the safety and health at sea. By the nature of their sport, the sailors racing in offshore racing environment can be exposed to injuries and other health problems that can endanger their lives. Being aware of the potential dangers caused by the distance from onshore health facilities and lack of professional help on board, IMHA and WS decided to support the activities that are leading to the enhancement of safety and health protection on board. With common initiative, joint Workgroup on Medical Support in Offshore Racing has been formed and the series of workshop organised. The WS/IMHA Workgroup on Medical Support for Offshore Yacht Races previously reached consensus on the common competences and learning outcomes for medical training for offshore racing. In addition, the Workgroup has also set standards for required medical kit inventory for yachts par- ticipating in the various categories of offshore yacht races. Documents were both approved by WS Medical Commission and the IMHA Board. Fourth workshop on Medical Support for Offshore Yacht Races was held in London, United Kingdom, 1–2 December 2018 and workgroup reached consensus on the standards for availability of Telemedical Advice Services (TMAS) for the various categories of offshore yacht races held under the authority of WS. This position paper sets out how the TMAS should be integrated with the practical usage of medicines and medical equipment on board offshore racing yachts. In addition, this position paper also sets out how the level of medical training integrates with appropriate use of the TMAS. Overall, the three WS/IMHA position papers on the triad of medical inventories, medical training and TMAS, are aimed at providing the best possible medical care on offshore racing yachts, by fully integrating each part of the triad of medical support. 

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