Welcome to Via Medica Journals’ Service!
For more than 30 years Via Medica has been publishing journals in various fields of medicine, both clinical and experimental. Nowadays it is more than 40 titles, which include scientific journals published in English and addressed to professionals worldwide. Our portfolio also contains educational journals for readers in Poland, especially for young physicians during the residency. Many of these titles are published in close cooperation with various Polish medical societies, what appropriate level of expertise and facilitates further development. Most of our journals provide free access to all archival resources. Several of them are fully available in open access, which is part of the idea of free access to knowledge and the dissemination of science.
Our sevice enables:
- detailed analysis off all the journals published by the Via Medica,
- online access to abstracts and open access full-text articles in all journals,
- download articles in PDF format,
- basic and advance search journal’s content,
- depositing a manuscript in chosen journal (after registration)
- access to useful functionalities for readers and authors (after registration),
- purchase of subscription (after registration)
If you are interested in cooperation in medical journals publishing, please contact the Medical Information Department: journals@viamedica.pl.