Vol 11, No 1 (2020)
Review paper
Published online: 2020-06-30

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Will the use of autologous blood derivatives be the gold standard in various medicine specialties in the 21st century?

Jacek Nowak1, Marcin Adamiec2, Bartłomiej Iwańczyk3, Maciej Czerniuk1
Hematologia 2020;11(1):22-29.


Due to the positive effect of the use of platelet concentrates, blood derivatives are currently used in many medical specialties. Platelet rich plasma was the first generation of this autogenic material and has been most commonly used so far. The exceptions were the fields of dentistry – oral and maxillofacial surgery, periodontics and implant surgery, where platelet rich fibrin (Platelet Rich Fibrin, PRF) was more widely. However, a changing trend is also visible in other fields of medicine, where PRF is becoming more important. The reason for the use of platelet concentrates and the ability to match their type to a specific surgical procedure is extremely important because of the different physico-chemical and biological properties. This article will introduce the use of autologous blood derivatives. The multitude of potential applications in medicine proves versatility, minimal risk of complications associated with the use of platelet concentrates, and above all - improvement of all parameters related to healing, tissue regeneration or prevention of complications after surgery. Undoubtedly, the scope of indications for the use of these preparations will increase, and the protocols for their preparation will be improved.

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