Vol 9, No 4 (2018)
Review paper
Published online: 2019-03-06

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Role and therapeutic potential of sphingolipids signaling in hematological malignances

Marzena Wątek12, Bonita Durnaś2, Tomasz Wollny2, Małgorzata Żendzian-Piotrowska3, Marcin Pasiarski2, Stanisław Góźdź2
Hematologia 2018;9(4):318-329.


One of the key obstacles in the progress of cancer treatment is the lack of balance between the
uncontrolled proliferation and cell apoptosis. It is now known that sphingolipids are essential
molecules regulating the processes of growth, differentiation and death of living cells. Depending
on their chemical nature, sphingolipids may have a stimulatory (S1P, sphingosine-1-phosphate)
or inhibitory (ceramide) effect on cellular proliferation. A number of different studies have shown
that the generation of ceramide in response to cytotoxic therapy is an important element leading
to cell death. Cancer cells use different methods limiting the production of ceramides that leads to
their removal. The effect of oncogenic S1P results from its stimulating effect on DNA synthesis
and chemotactic mobility of the vascular endothelial cells and angiogenesis. The use of monoclonal
anti-S1P antibodies is potentially a valuable therapeutic option for inhibiting angiogenesis
determining the growth of tumors. It was additionally demonstrated that S1P beyond the direct
and indirect by stimulating the release of vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast
growth factor angiogenic action has an effect on tumor growth and its metastatic potential. Among
the sphingolipids, ceramide was identified first as inducing differentiation and the death of human
HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells. Progress in understanding the role of sphingolipids was
regarded until recently as the only structural component of cell membranes allowing the use in the
treatment of complex properties of this group of signaling molecules. Thus, it has become important
to clarify the role of sphingolipids in the regulation of the balance between proliferation signals/
/survival rate and death of cells in order to develop new therapies for neoplastic diseases of myeloid
and lymphoid origin.

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