Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Case report
Published online: 2016-11-09

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Hypopituitarism in a patient with Hodgkin lymphoma

Monika Chełstowska, Ewa Lech-Marańda, Krzysztof Warzocha
Hematologia 2016;7(2):161-166.


This paper describes a patient with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) treated with first-line immunochemotherapy A + AVD (brentuximab, doxorubicine, vinblastine, dacarbazine). During cytostatic treatment, the patient developed multi-axis hypopituitarism requiring hormone substitution, which subsided after several months of hormone therapy. Pituitary imaging studies (CT, MRI) showed an infiltration lesion of the pituitary, which was not histologically verified because consent was withheld. In a differential diagnosis, autoimmune inflammation of the pituitary was taken into account, however lymphoma infiltration seemed less likely, because of the overall clinical presentation. First-line treatment was continued for 6 cycles of A + AVD chemotherapy and complete metabolic remission was achieved as measured by PET-CT. The potential mechanisms of transient hypopituitarism are then discussed in this patient treated with immunochemotherapy for HL.


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