Vol 14 (2023): Continuous Publishing
Research paper
Published online: 2023-11-29

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Clinical and demographic characteristics of sickle cell disease in colombian children

Sara Maria Soto1, Carlos Andres Portilla1, Herney Andrés García-Perdomo1
Hematol Clin Pract 2023;14:46-51.


Objective: To describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of pediatric patients with sickle cell disease. Methods: We performed a descriptive observational study. We included patients under 18 years with a diagnosis of sickle cell disease, who joined the “Ruta de la Vida” Program at the Hospital Universitario del Valle (HUV) from February 2015 to October 2018. We analyzed with descriptive statistics in SPSS. Results: We reviewed 153 medical records corresponding to pediatric patients. 54.2% were male and 45.8% female. All the patients were from the Pacific Colombian Region. The median age of the patients at the time of diagnosis was 2.1 years, the median age of admission to the program was 9 years. Diagnosis by electrophoresis of hemoglobin was performed in 92.2% of the patients, the distribution of polymorphisms was: hemoglobin SS (72.3%), hemoglobin SC (19.9%), hemoglobin S + (5 , 0%) and hemoglobin So (2.8%). 76.9% of patients had crisis in the last year, the main crisis were pain and hemolysis. 6.1% of the patients had cerebrovascular disease diagnosed by cerebral MRI. Conclusion: The population studied has a sickle cell disease with characteristics of a severe phenotype, with a high frequency of crisis and chronic complications such as cerebrovascular disease. This is the first study conducted in Colombia that describes the characteristics of the pediatric population with sickle cell disease.

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