ISSN: 2720-1015 e-ISSN: 2720-2690

Recent articles

Case report2024, oct 3

A rare case of a patient with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Julia Budzyńska, Ilona Kozioł, Małgorzata Mitura-Lesiuk, Joanna Zawitkowska

Vol 15 (2024): Continuous Publishing

Case report

Hematol Clin Pract 2024;15(1):10-12.
Case report2024, oct 3

Primary urinary bladder lymphoma: presentation with bilateral hydronephrosis

Joseph Alburqueque-Melgarejo, Brady-Beltran Garate

Vol 15 (2024): Continuous Publishing

Case report

Hematol Clin Pract 2024;15(1):5-9.
Letter to the Editor2024, sep 25
Case report2024, jul 9

Osteoporosis in systemic mastocytosis — current therapeutic options based on a clinical case report

Alicja Kamińska, Patrycja Major, Katarzyna Gołojuch, Jakub Smyk, Przemysław Borowy, Bogdan Batko

Vol 15 (2024): Continuous Publishing

Case report

Hematol Clin Pract 2024;15(1):1-4.
Review paper2024, apr 17

Bispecific antibodies in the treatment of follicular lymphoma

Aleksandra Bogucka-Fedorczuk, Tomasz Wróbel

Vol 14 (2023): Continuous Publishing

Review paper

Hematol Clin Pract 2023;14:80-86.

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