Are serum Netrin-4 levels predictive of preeclampsia?
Objective: To investigate the levels of anti-angiogenic factors, namely sFlt-1 and Netrin-4, in patients with preeclampsia (PE). Material and methods: Cord-blood (UC) sFlt-1 and Netrin-4 concentrations were measured in 30 patients with severe PE, 30 patients with PE and 30 control infants and their mothers (MS). Results: Maternal sFlt-1 levels were significantly higher in the severe PE and PE groups than in the control group. There were no statistical differences among the three groups in maternal and fetal Netrin-4 levels. But Netrin-4 levels were found to be the lowest in the control group and higher in the PE and severe PE groups. The correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation between maternal sFlt-1 levels and maternal Netrin-4 levels (p = 0.012, and r = 0.263), maternal sFlt-1 levels and fetal sFlt-1 levels (p = 0.012, and r = 0.263). Conclusions: There was a positive correlation found between maternal sFlt-1 levels and maternal Netrin-4 levels. We are of the opinion that elevation in levels of Netrin-4 might be secondary to placental hypoxia occurring in PE. The present study led to the consideration of anti-angiogenic biomarkers (sFlt-1 and Netrin-4) on automated platforms for clinical use as an aid in establishing the diagnosis and prognosis of PE.
Keywords: sFlt-1Netrin-4preeclampsiaanti-angiogenic effects
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