Genetic causes of recurrent miscarriages
Recurrent miscarriage is an important problem in reproductive health, which affects 1–5% of couples. The aim of this article is to summarize current knowledge on the genetic causes of recurrent miscarriage. It presents the most common parental genetic disorders (karyotype abnormalities, recessive diseases carrier status, dominant diseases and thrombophilia) connected with recurrent pregnancy loss, as well as research into other possible genetic causes. This review also sets out to demonstrate changes in the embryonic/fetal genome that may lead to abortions, and discusses the methods used to assess miscarried material, together with their advantages and disadvantages. Knowledge of the genetic background of miscarriages is important for prognosis, as well as the potential planning of prenatal diagnostics in subsequent pregnancies.
Keywords: recurrent miscarriageschromosome aberrationsgenetic causes