Vol 78, No 10 (2007)
Markers and modulators of angiogenesis in ovarian cancer
Ginekol Pol 2007;78(10).
Abstract Understanding of the role played by angiogenesis in the growth of ovarian malignancies and an attempt to link this process with the clinical outcome of the disease call for an employment of reliable quantitative and qualitative measures – markers and modulators of angiogenesis. These tumor phenotypic qualities can be assessed with the use of immunohistochemical and immunoenzymatic assays, what reflects angiogenesis intensity, as well as its specific neoplastic properties. Supplementing clinical and histopathological data with the information on markers and modulators of angiogenesis enables a notable increase in the prognosic accuracy of the clinical outcome in ovarian cancer.
Keywords: markers of angiogenesismodulators of angiogenesisovarian cancer