Vol 82, No 3 (2011)
Cyclopia – literature review and a case report
Ginekol Pol 2011;82(3).
Abstract Cyclopia is a deformation of the facial skeleton with one eye orbit formed in the place where both eyes should be present. As a result of hypoplasia there is absence (hypothesized loss) of central nervous system structures. Teratogenic factors leading to the occurrence of this anomaly may include irregular cholesterol biosynthesis, viruses, alcohol intake and maternal diabetes. Many authors suggest genetic etiology of this illness. The following work presents a case of a female patient whose fetus was diagnosed with multiple defects, among others with cyclopia. After pharmacological induction of labor, a male fetus with vital signs was born but died after two hours. As far as cyclopia is concerned, special attention should be paid to proper diagnosis of this pathology at an earliest possible stage of fetal life. Early ultrasound diagnostics of this anomaly must be emphasized most strongly, leading to the conclusion that patients suspected of fetal facial skeleton defects should be referred to medical centers which are qualified in prenatal examinations.
Keywords: Prenatal CareholoprosencephalyFetal MortalityNervous System Malformationspregnancy