Vol 82, No 3 (2011)
Anti-Müllerian hormone and fertility disturbances in obese women and women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Ginekol Pol 2011;82(3).
Summary Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) belongs to a family of growth and differentiation factors beta (TGF-beta). In male fetuses AMH induces regression of Müller’s ducts whereas in female ones this hormone plays an important role during adolescence and reproductive period. AMH participates in regulation of folliculogenesis by inhibiting the recruitment of prenatal and antral follicles. The aim of the present study was to summarize the current knowledge of the role of AMH in menstrual and fertility disturbances in obese women and those with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Keywords: obesitypolycystic ovary syndrome (PCPS)menstruation disturbancesmenopause