Vol 83, No 8 (2012)
Selective intrauterine growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies
Ginekol Pol 2012;83(8).
Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) is a major complication of monochorionic pregnancies, with potentially high risk of intrauterine fetal death or neurological dysfunction in both fetuses. Diagnostic ultrasound has contributed to the understanding of the pathophysiology of sIUGR and allowed to propose a classifi cation. That, in turn, allows to interpret a wide clinical variety of sIUGR and, depending on the type, to propose a specifi c clinical management. The introduction of diagnosis based on Doppler studies enables the correct diagnosis of the disorders, fetal monitoring, to determine the prognosis and optimal strategies, and to propose the best therapeutic intervention.
Keywords: selective intrauterine growth restrictionManagementmonochorionic twins