Vol 86, No 4 (2015)
Assessment of the diet components of pregnant women as predictors of risk of preterm birth and born baby with low birth weight
DOI: 10.17772/gp/2076
Ginekol Pol 2015;86(4).
Objective: The diet of pregnant women is an important factor in the development of the fetus. In our study, we
wanted to determine the diet of women who gave birth to healthy children at term (AGA), preterm (PTB) and small
for gestational age neonates (SGA). Based on the analysis of dietary components we wanted predict the likelihood
of giving birth AGA, PTB and SGA.
Methods: The content of components in the women’s diets were estimated based on the dietary questionnaire.
The large number of variables analyzed in the diet was reduced using factor analysis. Next, the prediction of prematurity
and SGA based on previously selected factors was analyzed. For this purpose, two independent methods
were used: discriminant function analysis and ROC analysis.
Results: Factor analysis resulted in nine factors containing at least one variable of the factor load being greater
than 0.7. Analysis of variance only showed differences between the AGA and preterm groups. The study of discriminant
function showed that three factors significantly affect the discriminative power to classify cases into AGA
and preterm groups. ROC analysis confirmed diagnostic usefulness factor 1 (fatty acids) in classifying cases into
AGA and preterm groups.
Conclusion: Based on the analysis of dietary components of women one can predict the likelihood of giving birth
to a healthy child at term and prematurely. For AGA the predicting factor is a higher content of short and medium
chain fatty acids in a woman’s diet.
Keywords: preterm birth / diet components / baby with low birth weight /