Vol 86, No 6 (2015)
Miomektomia podczas cięcia cesarskiego a powstawanie zrostów jako późne powikłanie pooperacyjne
DOI: 10.17772/gp/2404
Ginekol Pol 2015;86(6).
Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the incidence and features of postoperative adhesion related complications
occurring following myolysis or myomectomy performed during cesarean section (C/S).
Methods: This cross-sectional study consists of four groups of patients who underwent C/S: group I; myolysis is
performed by electric cauterization for small superficial fibroids less than 2 cm. (n: 21), group II; myomectomy is
performed for pedunculated fibroids (n: 18), group III; myomectomy is performed for intramural/subserous fibroids
less than 5 cm. (n: 23), group IV; control group (n: 19) who did not go through myomectomy. Repeat C/S is
performed to study subjects within 1-5 years. All cases are evaluated in terms of mild to moderate adhesions
between omentum and uterus, mild to moderate adnexial area adhesions, mild to moderate incision area adhesions
and surgical difficulty due to severe adhesions.
Results: The incidence of adhesions of omentum and uterus (p= 0.278), mild to moderate adnexial area adhesions
(p= 0.831), mild to moderate incision area adhesions (p= 0.804) were similar between the intervention groups
(group I, II, and III) and the controls (group IV).
Conclusion: Cesarean myomectomy is a safe procedure and can be performed without significant postoperative
adhesion formation.
Keywords: caesarean / myomectomy / postoperative adhesion /