Vol 86, No 8 (2015)
Fetal programming and etiology of osteoporosis
DOI: 10.17772/gp/58795
Ginekol Pol 2015;86(8).
Osteoporosis is a multifactorial skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration
of bone tissue, resulting in increased risk of fracture. Peak bone mass is an important predictor of later risk of
osteoporosis. Epidemiological studies revealed that the risk of osteoporosis might be modified by exposure to
environmental factors during intrauterine life and early postnatal period.
This review summarizes the influence of fetal programming on the development of osteoporosis based on the
epidemiological studies and potential mechanisms of epigenetic regulation of gene expression.
Keywords: osteoporosisfetal programmingepidemiological studiesepigenetic regulation