Vol 86, No 11 (2015)
Cleft lip and palate –risk factors, prenatal diagnosis and health consequences
DOI: 10.17772/gp/60371
Ginekol Pol 2015;86(11).
Cleft lip and / or palate is a diverse and important group of congenital malformations. The incidence is estimated at 1 in 600-1000 births worldwide. In Poland there are 2-3 cases noted per 1000 live births. The process of formation of a correctly developed lip and palate can be impaired by a variety of factors, among which the interaction between genetic and environmental factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, use of medication and exposure to certain chemicals) plays an extremely important role. This paper focuses on environmental risk factors, prenatal diagnosis and health consequences of cleft lip and palate.
Keywords: cleft lipcleft palateprenatal diagnosisdietary habits