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Published online: 2025-03-21

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Current approach to the use of transvaginal mesh systems in pelvic organ prolapse

Monika Pycek1, Justyna M. Zarzecka1, Wojciech Majkusiak1, Ewa M. Barcz1, Aneta Zwierzchowska1


Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) involves the descent of vaginal walls, uterus, or vaginal apex. Traditional native tissue repair techniques, while low in complications, exhibit significant relapse rates. To enhance durability of surgical repair, synthetic mesh systems were adopted. However, early generations faced complications such as vaginal mesh exposure and dyspareunia, leading to critical reevaluation and regulatory actions.
The Food and Drug Administration issued first warning in 2008 and reclassified mesh as high-risk in 2016, banning it for transvaginal anterior compartment prolapse in 2019. European and Canadian regulations similarly increased scrutiny, with prominent professional organizations and regulatory bodies endorsing limited use and thorough counseling.
Subsequent innovations introduced lighter mesh systems with sacrospinous ligament fixation, which improved anatomical outcomes and reduced adverse effects. Recent studies on these systems demonstrate promising success rates, with notable reductions in prolapse recurrence and improved quality of life.
Given these developments, current perspectives advocate for selective use of advanced mesh systems in POP surgery, emphasizing rigorous patient selection, informed consent, and meticulous surgical technique. This careful approach, as opposed to a categorical ban, aims to balance the therapeutic benefits with potential risks, ensuring optimized patient outcomes in POP management.

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