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Published online: 2025-02-03

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The outcomes of the 5 mm versus 11 mm primary trocar in gynecologic surgery — randomised study

Emin Erhan Dönmez1, Zafer Bütün2, Eyüpcan Kardas3, Fisun Vural4


Objectives: To compare the effects of using 11 mm trocar and 5 mm trocar as primary ports on postoperative pain in benign gynecological laparoscopic surgeries.

Material and methods: The patients were divided into two groups as the primary port, group I (5 mm trocar) and group II (11 mm trocar) by block randomization.

Results: In the 5 mm trocar group, postoperative pain score and need for analgesia were less in level I and level II operations. Patient satisfaction was significantly higher in the 5 mm trocar group. The postoperative pain score was higher in patients who had trocar insertion attempts 3 times with the direct trocar method compared to patients with 1 or 2 trocar entry attempts.

Conclusions: The use of a 5 mm laparoscope in benign gynecological operations is an advantageous method due to low postoperative pain score, analgesic requirement, and high patient satisfaction.

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