Vol 4, No 4 (2018)
Review paper
Published online: 2019-02-05
Photodynamic therapy in dermatology
Forum Dermatologicum 2018;4(4):138-147.
Photodynamic method became an important complement to classical methods of tumors treatment-radio – and chemotherapy- and also on for surgical resections. Applications of the therapy includes i.e. dermatology, gynaecology, urology and stomatology. Furthermore, its usage is increasing in the treatment of bacterial, fungal, porastic and viral infections. Over 70% of clinical applications concerns dermatology and the only practically used photosensitizers are 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) The article presents photochemical and photophysical foundations of the method, currently used preparations and light sources, and the range of treated skin diseases. The current state of the ALA-PDT method in Poland, the prospects for its development, examples of clinics using this method and its limitations were also presented.
Keywords: PDT methodphotochemotherapyphotosensitizerdermatologysLED diodes