Vol 80, No 1 (2021)
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Published online: 2020-03-03

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Assessing the innervation of the dorsal wrist capsule using modified Sihler’s staining

T. Bonczar1, J. A. Walocha1, M. Bonczar2, E. Mizia1, J. Filipowska3
Pubmed: 32159843
Folia Morphol 2021;80(1):81-86.


Background: The aim of this study was to assess the innervation of the dorsal articular capsule of the wrist using modified Sihler’s staining.

Materials and methods: Thirty dorsal wrist capsules were collected from 15 donors (both sides) within 12 hours of death. All the capsules were collected in the same manner — using the dorsal incision. The specimens were stained according to the protocol of the modified Sihler’s staining technique. The preserved capsules were analysed under 8–16× magnification of an optical microscope for the presence of major nerve trunks, their major and minor branches, and nerve connections.

Results: The range of innervation visualised was that the posterior interosseous nerve innervated approximately 60% of the central part; the remaining area was innervated by the dorsal sensory branch of the radial nerve and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve. The constant findings were the branches departing from the ulnar side of the posterior interosseous nerve and from the radial side, with an exception seen in 2 cases. A communicans branch between the posterior interosseous nerve and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve was seen in all the specimens. The posterior interosseous nerve innervation extended beyond the level of the carpometacarpal joints II–V.

Conclusions: The modified Sihler’s staining technique allows for transparent visibility of the nerves that innervate the dorsal wrist capsule. However, it does not allow as accurate assessment as does histological examination, especially regarding the evaluation of nerve endings. Nevertheless, this method provides a significantly larger area of nerve observation than is provided by histological examination.

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