Vol 71, No 1 (2012)
Case report
Published online: 2012-04-19
Bilateral superficial ulnar artery with high origin from the axillary artery: its anatomy and clinical significance
Folia Morphol 2012;71(1):48-51.
The superficial ulnar artery (SUA) is a rare anatomical variant that usually arises either in the axilla or the arm and runs a superficial course in the forearm, enters the hand, and participates in the formation of superficial palmar arch. During the routine dissection of cadavers in the department of anatomy, whilst preparing the specimen for medical students, an unusual bilateral branch of the axillary artery was found in one of the cadavers: a rare variant of the artery known as SUA, which originates from the 2nd part of the axillary arteries of
both sides. The SUA is a known anatomical variant, but the bilateral high origin from the 2nd part of the axillary artery is extremely unusual. Its occurrence is of great clinical importance to the surgical and radiological departments.
Keywords: anatomical variantaxillary arterysuperficial ulnar artery