Vol 57, No 3 (1998)
Original article
Published online: 2000-01-17
The hypoglossal nuclear complex in reindeer
Folia Morphol 1998;57(3):205-212.
The hypoglossal complex has an ovoid shape and is largest at the level of obex. Caudally to the obex is 2/3 of the complex. The complex is divided into 4 groups. Sublingual nucleus of Roller presents a narrow strip of cells located ventrally to the middle part of hypoglossal nucleus. Laterally to obex is the paramedian nucleus of Jacobson in the form of short, narrow band. Posteriorly to Jacobson's nucleus is the intercalated nucleus of Staderini. Continuation of the hypoglossal nucleus is the nucleus prepositus of Marburg.
Keywords: Reindeer. Brain stem. Hypoglossal nuclei