Vol 62, No 3 (2003)
Short communication
Published online: 2003-06-09
Preliminary metrological study of the lumbar vertebral column during the foetal period
Folia Morphol 2003;62(3):259-262.
The aim of our study was to elaborate a scheme for the development of the particular elements of the lumbar vertebral column in the foetal period based on metrological data analysis. 30 human foetuses between 31 and 183 mm C-R length were examined. The whole vertebral column and lumbar segment length, intervertebral spaces and structural elements of each vertebra were measured. Statistical analysis was carried out of the data obtained. The development of the
lumbar vertebral column during the foetal period is ongoing, although not in a proportional way. The percentage participation of the lumbar segment in the length of the whole vertebral column increased from 17.5 to 22%. The most intensive development of the particular elements resulted from the period between 60–170 mm. The intensive transversal growth of each vertebra began after 60 mm while the axial growth began after 110 mm CRL. The percentage
participation of a single lumbar vertebra in the length of the whole lumbar segment decreased by approx. 5%. The largest contribution to the ossification centres was made in the areas of neural arches L1. Each structural element and the diameter of each lumbar vertebra is characterised by specific growth dynamics.
Keywords: lumbar vertebral columnmetrologyanatomyfoetus