Vol 62, No 4 (2003)
Case report
Published online: 2003-09-05
Axillary lymph node and early breast cancer diagnostics. A case report
Folia Morphol 2003;62(4):523-525.
Understanding of the anatomy of the axillary lymph nodes is important in diagnostic
and treatment procedures for breast cancer. An interesting case is presented
here of breast cancer without a breast tumour. The first symptom of the
disease was lymphadenopathy of the axillary region. This kind of case is extremely
rare in clinical practise (one case per 1-5 years) and constitutes a great
problem for specialists, since in many cases the primary neoplasm source is unknown.
The anatomical and clinical implications of such a situation are discussed.
Keywords: breast canceraxillary lymph nodesdiagnostic methods"hidden" breast cancer