Vol 63, No 2 (2004)
Short communication
Published online: 2004-03-12
Apoptotic changes in the myocardium in the course of experimentally-induced pleurisy
Folia Morphol 2004;63(2):225-228.
The secreted proinflammatory interleukins IL-1, IL-6 and TNF in the course of
experimentally-induced pleurisy can be the cause of pathological changes in the
ultrastructure of cardiac muscle and of apoptosis. The pleurisy was induced in rats
by means of carrageenin. The scraps of cardiac muscle obtained during the inflammatory
reaction in the pleura were analysed by means of an electron microscope.
The scraps were also stained with the TUNEL method in order to find the
apoptotic foci. It was proved by the experiment that the inflammatory process
affected mitochondria in the cardiomyocytes, enhanced collagen fibre synthesis
and contributed to the formation of apoptotic foci in the cardiac muscle.
Keywords: pleurisyultrastructure of cardiac muscleapoptosis