Vol 63, No 3 (2004)
Original article
Published online: 2004-06-04
Notes on the morphology of the tricuspid valve in the adult human heart
Folia Morphol 2004;63(3):319-324.
Rapid progress in the field of interventional cardiology has caused research in
the field of morphometry of the heart to be in constant demand [7–10, 12]. In
this study, performed on a group of 75 adult human hearts, the authors have
attempted to assess the form and number of the main and accessory cusps in
the tricuspid valve. We have classified particular forms into 8 groups, depending
on the number of cusps and we have divided the cusps into 3 main groups,
depending on the support of the chordae tendineae.
Keywords: tricuspid valvehuman heartright ventriclecuspcommissuremorphology