Vol 65, No 1 (2006)
Case report
Published online: 2005-12-05
The clinical application of a new synthetic bone grafting material in oral and maxillofacial surgery
Folia Morphol 2006;65(1):84-88.
A novel bone formation material based on hydroxyapatite-xerogel is presented.
With the use of the innovative sol-gel technology this material is produced in the
low-temperature range by the addition of silicon dioxide; in its structure it mimics
to a great extent the natural bone matrix. This results in high osteoconductivity
and an osteoprotective effect as well as in complete biodegradation corresponding
to bone formation in the course of natural bone remodelling. Two case reports
are presented.
Keywords: maxillofacial surgerysynthetic bone graftinghydroxyapafite-xerogel material