Vol 66, No 2 (2007)
Original article
Published online: 2007-03-09
The normal growth of the pulmonary trunk in human foetuses
Folia Morphol 2007;66(2):126-130.
The rate of growth of the pulmonary trunk during gestation has not been sufficiently determined. The present study was performed on 128 spontaneously
aborted human foetuses aged 15-34 weeks in order to compile normative data for pulmonary trunk dimensions at various gestational ages. With the use of anatomical dissection, digital-image analysis (the Leica QWin Pro 16 system) and statistical analysis (ANOVA, regression analysis) a range of measurements (length, diameter and volume) was analysed for the pulmonary trunk during gestation. No significant gender differences were found (p > 0.05). Growth curves were generated of the best fit for the plot for each morphometric feature against gestational age. The results obtained show a statistically significant correlation
(p < 0.001) between the parameters examined and gestational age. Both the
length and diameter of the pulmonary trunk were found to increase in a linear
fashion throughout gestation. The length ranged from 3.17 ± 0.36 mm to 13.54 ± 1.39 mm, according to the linear function y = -5.6035 + 0.5705 x ± 0.9171 (r = 0.96). The diameter ranged from 1.51 ± 0.24 mm to 5.30 ± 1.53 mm, according to the linear model y = -1.4813 + 0.2154 x ± 0.7452 (r = 0.86). The pulmonary trunk volume ranged from 5.94 ± 2.21 mm3 to 312.37 ± 154.34 mm3, according to the quadratic function y = 143.2 - 20.961 x + 0.791 x2 ± 63.306 (R2 = 0.74). The growth curves generated from my data may
be useful as a reference for foetal echocardiographers in the detection of congenital cardiovascular abnormalities.
Keywords: pulmonary trunklengthexternal diametervolumedigital-image analysisregression analysis