Vol 67, No 2 (2008)
Case report
Published online: 2008-03-06
The anatomy of a horizontally impacted maxillary wisdom tooth
Folia Morphol 2008;67(2):154-156.
A completely horizontally impacted upper third molar was revealed after routine
dissection of a 62-year-old human cadaver of a Caucasian male. The molar
was penetrating into the maxillary sinus and there was antral dehiscence of its
bony alveolus. The bony alveolus was immediately in front of the greater palatine
canal contents, and the bottom of the alveolus was dehiscent towards
the greater palatine foramen. Within the greater palatine canal and foramen
the greater palatine artery was duplicated and the nerve was found. Such antral
relations of an impacted upper third molar predispose to oroantral communications
if extraction is performed, while the close neurovascular relations
represent a risk factor for postextractional haemorrhage and neurosensory disturbances
and must be borne in mind when deciding on or performing the
(Folia Morphol 2008: 67: 154–156)
(Folia Morphol 2008: 67: 154–156)
Keywords: maxillary sinusgreater palatine nervegreater palatine arteryoral cavity