Vol 67, No 3 (2008)
Original article
Published online: 2008-06-02
Arterial supply and venous drainage of the choroid plexus of the human lateral ventricle in the prenatal period as revealed by vascular corrosion casts and SEM
DOI: 10.5603/fm.v67i3.15975
Folia Morphol 2008;67(3):209-213.
The topography of the arterial supply and venous drainage was visualised by
corrosion casting and scanning electron microscopy in the human foetal
(20 weeks) choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle. Although secondary villi were
not yet present at that developmental stage, the topography of the large arteries
and veins almost fully corresponded to that described in adult individuals. The
only major difference observed was a lack of the typical tortuosity of the lateral
branch of the anterior choroidal artery and of the superior choroidal vein, which
probably develops during further expansion of the vascular system associated
with the formation of secondary villi.
Keywords: choroid plexusblood vesselshuman foetuscorrosion castingscanning electron microscope (SEM)