Vol 67, No 3 (2008)
Original article
Published online: 2008-06-02
The diagnostic value of the resistivity index of the common carotid arteries in severe internal carotid artery stenosis
DOI: 10.5603/fm.v67i3.15969
Folia Morphol 2008;67(3):175-178.
Duplex ultrasound is currently used both for screening and for preoperative
assessment of the carotid arteries and has completely replaced carotid angiography
for the latter purpose in many institutions. The study aimed to identify
resistivity index abnormalities in the common carotid arteries in patients with
occluded or severely stenosed internal carotid arteries. Sixteen patients with
severe internal carotid artery stenosis or occlusion over a twelve-month period
were studied by duplex ultrasonography. The resistivity index in the common
carotid artery was 0.85 ± 0.03 on the stenotic side compared to 0.74 ± 0.04
on the opposite side (p < 0.05). There was no side difference regarding flow
velocity. In patients with occluded or severely stenosed internal carotid arteries
compensatory vasodilation occurs in cerebral vessels on the same side, and this
is also significant, resulting in a decrease in the resistivity index in the common
carotid artery of the opposite side.
Keywords: internal carotid arterycommon carotid arterystenosisduplex sonographypeak systolic velocity