Vol 68, No 1 (2009)
Case report
Published online: 2008-11-25
A rare muscle anomaly: the supraclavicularis proprius muscle
Folia Morphol 2009;68(1):55-57.
In the Dissection Team of the Second Chair of Anatomy at the School of Medicine
of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the routine dissection
of 78 cadavers (corresponding to 156 supraclavicular fossae),10% formalin fixed,
we found the supraclavicularis proprius muscle over the lower part of the left
supraclavicular fossa in an adult Caucasian male cadaver. We described this
rare muscular anomaly, the likelihood of finding this muscle, and its participation
in supraclavicular nerve entrapment syndrome.
Keywords: supraclavicularis proprius musclesupraclavicular fossasupraclavicular nerve entrapment syndrome