Vol 68, No 3 (2009)
Original article
Published online: 2009-05-13
Excavated type of rhomboid fossa of the clavicle: a radiological study
Folia Morphol 2009;68(3):163-166.
The excavated type of rhomboid fossa of the clavicle is a relatively neglected
anatomical structure that can potentially cause diagnostic problems. Its unilateral
occurrence may be confused by the physician as avascular necrosis, osteomyelitis,
or even a tumour. We studied 80 routine chest radiographs and identified
the clavicles with excavated type of rhomboid fossa. The sex, sidedness,
and handedness were recorded. An excavated type of rhomboid fossa was
present in 43 clavicles (26.88%), appearing more frequently in males than in
females. In addition, the incidence of the excavated type of rhomboid fossa
was greater on the right side than on the left. That type of fossa was also
present more frequently on the right side in right-handed specimens and on
the left side in left-handed specimens. The high incidence of the excavated
type of rhomboid fossa on the dominant hand supports the mechanical theory
of fossa formation. Radiologists and physicians should be aware of this fossa, as
it may resemble a pathological condition.
Keywords: claviclerhomboid fossaexcavated type