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Assessment of temporomandibular joint morphology of bifid mandibular condyles: a cone beam computed tomography study

Ayse Zeynep Zengin1, Tuna Sumer2, Kubra Cam1


Background: Bifid mandibular condyle (BMC) is an extremely rare condition characterized by dublicity of the head of the mandibular condyle. Knowledge about the morphology of BMC may help to understand the development course of condyle and differential diagnosis of fractures or tumors in condylar area. The aim of this study was to examine temporomandibular joint (TMJ) hard tissue morphology of BMCs.

Materials and methods: 1900 cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of the mandibular condylar heads examined for the presence of bifidity. When BMC were identified, morphological assessment and measurements of bone components of TMJ were done.

Results: 69 BMC were detected in 56 patients (3%). It was observed that 43 (76.8%) patients presented unilateral and 13 (23.2%) patients presented bilateral BMCs. 59.4% of condyles were mostly seen in mediolateral (ML) orientation and 40.6% of them were both ML and anteroposterior (AP) orientation. 46.4% of cases showed wide and shallow groove; 53.6% had deep and narrow groove on coronal images. 60 BMCs had osteoarthritic changes.

Conclusions: CBCT is an excellent imaging modality for accurate imaging of the bony components of TMJ. Due to the widespread use of CBCT, the prevalence of BMC is likely to be higher than has been previously reported and reported new cases in literature could be useful for dentists for improving their knowledge about this variation.

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