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Anthropometric analysis of the external nose in young adults

Wirginia Likus1, Kamila Gromek2, Michał Giller1, Tomasz Kowal1, Renata Wilk1, Jarosław Markowski3


Background: Anthropometric analysis of the midface is essential, especially for rhinoplasty surgeons, medical aesthetics, medical jurisprudence, and anthropology. The aim of this study was to provide data to describe of the anthropometric dimensions of the nose and face among Caucasian young adults in order to establish reference values.

Materials and methods: The study was conducted among 289 Polish students (115 men and 174 women). The mean age in the study group was 20.44 ± 1.93 years. In this study 10 linear measurements of the face and nose were determined, 7 indices were calculated, including Facial Index and Nasal Index. The prevalence of facial and nasal types was determined. The dimensions and indexes were compared in both sexes. The results obtained were compared with the results of other authors on Caucasian groups including the Polish population in similar age ranges. Statistical analysis was performed. The level of statistical significance was taken as p < 0.05.

Results: The most common face type in the study group was hyperleptoprosopic (very narrow face) and leptoprosopic (narrow face) 32.17%, 31.30% in the female group and 32.76%, 29.31%, in the male group, respectively. The most common nose type was leptorrhine (narrow nose), 74.76%. All measured linear dimensions were greater in men except for nasal root width. Similar results were obtained among indices with the exception of nasal length index.

Conclusions: The results of the obtained measurements can be used by surgeons when planning reconstructive, corrective and aesthetic nasal surgery to ensure an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

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