Vol 14, No 2 (2019)
Case report
Published online: 2019-05-22
Trans-femoral percutaneous coronary intervention in an anomalous right coronary artery using a 5 F TIG diagnostic catheter
DOI: 10.5603/FC.2019.0035
Folia Cardiologica 2019;14(2):174-178.
Anomalous coronary arteries, especially when they are right with a high take-off, are challenging substrates for percuta- neous coronary intervention (PCI). Here, we report the case of a 63 year-old female who had a critical lesion in proximal anomalous right coronary artery having an abnormal take-off, where the ostium failed to get cannulated using multiple guiding catheters. Successful PCI was done using a 5 F TIG diagnostic catheter (Optitorque, Terumo, Japan) through the transfemoral route. The unique shape of the TIG diagnostic catheter allowed coaxial engagement of anomalous right coronary artery, with adequate lesion assessment and stent delivery.
Keywords: anomalous right coronary arteryTIG cathetertransfemoral percutaneous coronary interventionhigh take-off
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