Vol 70, No 1 (2019)
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Published online: 2018-09-27

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Sexual function and depressive symptoms in men with overt hyperthyroidism

Robert Krysiak1, Bogdan Marek23, Bogusław Okopień1
Pubmed: 30307028
Endokrynol Pol 2019;70(1):64-71.


Introduction: Although hyperthyroidism is characterised by female predominance, its presence may lead to the development of numerous complications in both sexes. This study was aimed at investigating sexual function and depressive symptoms in men with overt hyperthyroidism of autoimmune and non-autoimmune origin.

Material and methods: The study population consisted of three age-matched groups: men with overt hyperthyroidism and Graves’ disease (group A; n = 20), men with overt hyperthyroidism and toxic multinodular goitre or toxic adenoma (group B; n = 21), and men with normal thyroid function (group C; n = 23). As well as measuring serum hormone levels and antibody titres, and determining calculated parameters of thyroid homeostasis, all included patients filled in questionnaires evaluating sexual function (International Index of Erectile
Function-15: IIEF-15) and assessing the presence and severity of depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition – BDI-II).

Results: Compared with control subjects, men with overt hyperthyroidism obtained lower scores for erectile function, intercourse satisfaction, orgasmic function and overall satisfaction. Scores for erectile function, orgasmic function, and sexual desire differed between both groups of men with thyroid hyperfunction and inversely correlated with thyrotropin receptor antibody titres. The BDI-II score was higher in patients with Graves’ disease than in men with normal thyroid function.

Conclusions: The obtained results indicate that overt hyperthyroidism in men causes multidimensional impairment of sexual function, which is particularly pronounced if excessive hormone production results from Graves’ disease. 

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