Vol 69, No 6 (2018)
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Published online: 2018-09-21

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Oncocytic neoplasms; rare adrenocortical tumours — a report of eleven patients

Hande Peynirci1, Bengür Taskıran2, Nagehan Dik3, Özlem Saraydaroğlu4, Canan Ersoy5
Pubmed: 30259505
Endokrynol Pol 2018;69(6):682-687.


Introduction: Oncocytomas of adrenal glands are extremely rare and usually present as incidentally detected masses. We aimed to present a series of patients with adrenal oncocytomas and review the literature.

Material and methods: Electronic database of patients with adrenal tumours, who were admitted to the internal medicine and endocrinology and metabolism outpatient clinics of Uludag University Medical Faculty between January 2005 and November 2016, were assessed retrospectively. Those who underwent surgery and pathological diagnosis of oncocytoma (n = 11) were included to the study. The demographic, clinical, pathological, radiological, and laboratory features were evaluated.

Results: Of these 11 patients, 54.5% (n = 6) were female and 45.5% (n = 5) were male. They aged between 31 and 76 years (45.36 ± 13.68). Five (45.5%) of the masses showed endocrinological activity and were more frequent in women. The masses were 25–130 (57.63 ± 34.04) mm in width and 20–100 (47.82 ± 28.95) mm in length. Seven (63.6%) oncocytomas were classified as benign and the remainder as having uncertain malignant potential according to Lin-Weiss-Bisceglia criteria. Mean duration of follow-up were 24.8 (6–60) months and 38.2 (15–82) months, respectively.

Conclusions: Because there are no unique clinical and imaging characteristics differentiating adrenal oncocytomas from other types of adrenal masses, it should be kept in mind in differential diagnosis of adrenal masses, especially large ones and those suspicious for adrenocortical carcinoma.

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