Prof. Aldo Pinchera M.D. Ph.D. (1934–2012)
The memory on prof. Aldo Pinchera M.D., Ph.D.
Zbigniew Szybiński, Janusz Nauman
Prof. Aldo Pinchera studied medicine in School of Medicine, University of Rome and was graduated as MD in 1952, as PhD in Endocrinology in 1967 and in Internal Medicine in 1972. He obtained recognition as specialists in Application of Radioisotopes in 1959 and in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (magna cum laude) in 1961. He was in Medical School, University of Pisa Assistant Professor and Deputy Chief Internal Medicine (1974–1980), as Professor of Endocrinology (1980–2009), as Director of Postgraduate School of Endocrinology (1981–2009) as Chairman of Department of Endocrinology (1984–1997) and Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of University Hospital in Pisa (2004–2009). He was Dean for Student Education (1985–1995) and Vice-President of the National Council of the Deans for Student Education of Medical Schools(1988–1995). Since 1996 he was Head of the WHO Collaborating Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Cancer and other Thyroid Diseases. In the Ministry of University Prof. A. Pinchera worked as Chairman of the Medical Panel of the National Research Evaluation Committee and National Research Grants Committee. Among foreign research institutions he worked as Research Fellow in Laboratoire de Biochemie Medicale of University in Marseille-France, in Laboratory of Endocrinology of University in Barcelona-Spain, and Massachusetts General Hospital in Harvard Medical School in Boston — USA.
One of the most important areas of interest of prof. A. Pinchera was cooperation with the European research institutions focused on iodine deficiency and iodine prophylaxis. He was Regional Coordinator for West-Central Europe of the International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders and member of the ICCIDD Board. He was Consultant and Adviser of the World Health Organization in Special Projects on Nuclear Accident and Public Health in Geneva and Copenhagen, in Advisory Group on “ Optimization of Nuclear Technics for Survey of Thyroid Function in Endemic Goiter Areas” of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, in the Working Group on Strategy for Public Health Actions in Relation to Nuclear Emergency — in Soliothurn, in Joint WHO/CEC Workshop on Iodine Prophylaxis Following Nuclear Accident in Brussels, and in the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) in Brussels.
Prof. Aldo Pinchera was Consultant and Adviser of the Polish research institutions. He cooperated very actively with the Polish Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (PCCIDD) affiliated at the Department of Endocrinology Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum. Representative of the PCCIDD is taking part in Annual Conference of the ICCIDD in Europe. He was consultant and adviser of the Polish Program for Elimination of Iodine Deficiency financed by the Ministry of Health. Prof. Aldo Pinchera have had close links with Polish endocrinologists. In 1984, time when marshal law was still in power he accepted the invitation to attend the Congress of Polish Society of Endocrinology, have had introductory lecture, as well as participated in meet the expert session. In 1988 when we conducted epidemiological study on the effects of radiation due to the Chernobyl accident Prof Pinchera agreed to serve as reviewer and when the first phase of the Polish RMZ XVII Studies came to the end he again visited Poland and spend 4 days with other international experts to review the study and especially the evidence based conclusions that were formulated by Polish scientist. As a acting President of European Thyroid Association Prof Aldo Pinchera have closely clooperated with Polish endocrinologists who have been part of Temporary Experts Commission settled by European Branch of WHO to update prophylactic measures that should be taken in case of nuclear accident to save public health.
Prof. A. Pinchera received many Honors and Awards. Among them on the international level are as follows: Leo Oliner Memorial Award, Washington (USA); Paul Starr Award, American Thyroid Association, Rochester (USA); Henning Award, European Thyroid Association; Thyroid Club Pitt-Rivers Award (UK); Shizume Honorary Lecturer Award, AOTA (Tokyo); Boris Catz Award, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles (USA); Ordre du Merite, Republique du Senegal; Doctor Honoris Causa, Université de Médecine et Pharmacie, Iasi (Roumanie); Light of Life Award, Foundation Memorial Sloan Kettering Center,New York, (USA), ETA Lissitsky Carreer Award.
On the national level these are: Premio Nazionale di Medicina “Terra di Lavoro”; Premio Ultimo Novecento, Pisa; Premio Golfo d’Oro Stefania Rotolo, Vasto; Premio per la Medicina “Cataldo Cassano”, Roma; Premio Empedocle per le Scienze Mediche in Memoria di Paolo Borsellino, Agrigento; Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei; Ordine della Minerva, Università “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti; XXXIII Premio Scanno per la Medicina, Premio “Pisani si nasce, Pisani si diventa”; Premio “L’altra Italia: Vite da Premio”; Medaglia d’Oro per i Benemeriti della Cultura e della Scienza della Repubblica Italiana, Cavaliere di Gran Croce al Merito della Repubblica Italiana.
Prof. A. Pinchera very actively cooperated with Scientific Societies. He was Honorary President of the Italian Thyroid Association, former President of the European Thyroid Association, Italian Society of Endocrinology, former Vice President of the Italian Federation of Immunology Societies, Honorary Member of the European Thyroid Association, Italian Society of Endocrinology, Italian Society of Medical Radiology. He was member of the American Thyroid Association, Latin-American Thyroid Association, Asia and Oceania Thyroid Association, American Endocrine Society European Endocrine Society, Royal Society of Medicine, Italian Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.
He developed very active editorial activities on the international and national levels.
He was the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Polish Journal of Endocrinology, Obesity and Metabolism, Thyroid Research, Endocrinologia, Seminars in Clinical Immunology and International Consultant of The Endocrinologist. On the national level he was founder and Editor-in-Chief, L’Endocrinologo, Co-founder and co-Editor-in-Chief of the Aggiornamento del Medico, Associate Editor, Terapia Medica Moderna, CEA, Milano, and member of the Advisory Board of the LAB Giornale di Medicina di Laboratorio, Immunologia Clinica e Sperimentale, Giornale Italiano di Patologia Clinica and La Rivista Italiana di Ostetricia e Ginecologia.
Prof. A. Pinchera is author or co-author of 629 scientific articles and 29 chapters in volumes, editor or co-editor of 9 international volumes, author or co-author more than 250 articles in national journals, editor or co-editor of 20 volumes and author or co-author of 80 chapters in Textbooks. Polish endocrinologists have lost their friend and adviser.