Focus and Scope
"Endokrynologia Polska" publishes peer-reviewed papers in English on all aspects of clinical and experimental endocrinology, diabetology and metabolic diseases. The following types of articles may be submitted for publication: original research papers, reviews, reviews (postgraduate education), short communications, clinical vignette and letters to the editor (readers’ forum). The journal also publishes guidelines, expert opinions, editorials and conference materials (congressional papers and abstracts).
Peer Review Process
The Journal is committed to prompt evaluation and publication of submitted articles. All manuscripts together with supplementary files (if applicable) should be submitted online via the journal web page.
The submission and review process is fully electronic and submissions by e-mail or postal mail will not be accepted. Please follow the manuscript preparation directions presented below. Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Journal are evaluated as to whether they present new insights into the announced topic and are likely to contribute to progress in research or to changes in medical practice. Received manuscripts are initially examined by the Journal editors. Manuscripts with insufficient priority for publication are rejected immediately to allow the authors to recognize deficiencies and submit the paper to another journal or resubmit a revised version. Incomplete submissions or manuscripts not prepared in the required style are sent back to the authors without scientific review.
If manuscript is accepted for review, the authors will be notified in the electronic way only with the reference to the article ID number in the electronic system. Articles are evaluated by at least two outside referees who are contacted before being sent a paper and asked to return comments within time period indicated by Editors. All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents, and reviewers are instructed to treat manuscripts as such. The peer review process is also confidential and identities of reviewers are not released. Referees are asked to provide a written review together with recommendation of acceptance, requirement for revision or rejection of the article.
Authors are notified of decisions by e-mail only. Selected papers are edited to improve accuracy and clarity and for length. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts or review forms are available at the Journal web page. Names of reviewers of individual manuscripts or journal issues are not revealed; the list of reviewers cooperating with the Journal is announced once a year. In cases author(s) of manuscripts and reviewers are no more anonymous, reviewers are asked to confirm in writing no conflict of interests, i.e. no direct personal relationships (first- and second-degree kinship, legal ties, relationship by marriage), superior/subordinate professional relations or direct scientific cooperation within the two years preceding the review.
Reviewers’ criteria for manuscripts qualification
- Title reflects the subject undertaken
- Assumptions are proper
- Work of practical nature
- Work of educational nature
- Aims are clearly defined
- Appropriate methodology*
- Ethical criteria fulfilled*
- Research-based work*
- Results are adequately presented*
- Statistical analysis is reliable*
- Discussion refers to results*
- Conclusions based on study findings*
- Conclusions refer to aims*
- Suitably chosen, proper number and up to date references
- Proper length
- All figures and tables are required
- Standard of written English acceptable
* criteria exclusively for research papers
Open Access Policy

Articles published on-line in the Journal are available in open access immediately after publication and are published under Creative Common Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) allowing to download articles and share them with others as long as they credit the authors and the publisher, but without permission to change them in any way or use them commercially.
Via Medica (Publisher) self-archiving policy establishes that authors can archive only accepted manuscripts including final PDF version and/or 'ahead of print' in any repository. In details, the author may only post their version provided acknowledgment is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Via Medica (Publisher) website. Apart from the link mentioned above, the acknowledgment should be provided with the full bibliographic record with DOI number.