Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Review article
Published online: 2020-04-26

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Coffee in the diet and prevention of diabetes

Regina Wierzejska1
Clin Diabetol 2020;9(2):144-148.


The impact of coffee consumption on health deserves an attention, especially in the context of patients’ ongoing concerns about its adverse health effects. Knowledge on this subject may also inform the clinical practice. Objective — to present the current state of knowledge about the relationship between coffee consumption and the incidence of diabetes type 2. Epidemiological studies indicate that the habit of coffee consumption reduces the risk of non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Drinking at least 3 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of this disease by 20–25%, and higher consumption may portend even more protection. The beneficial effect of coffee is most likely due to polyphenols present in the infusion, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and may improve insulin sensitivity. The content of bioactive ingredients in a cup of coffee is variable, depending on both the natural variation in coffee beans and the brewing method. The issue of sweetening coffee is a particularly important one as the addition of sugar can reduce its beneficial effects. Moderate consumption of coffee brewed using filters (3–5 cups per day) is recommended. Current scientific research indicates that coffee not only has no negative impact on health but may even reduce the incidence of diabetes.

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