Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Research paper
Published online: 2018-05-21

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Evaluation of the relationship between the incidence of diabetes and selected demographic factors

Monika Klimek1, Joanna Knap1, Tytus Tulwin2, Michał Trojnar3, Grzegorz Dzida4
Clin Diabetol 2018;7(3):145-150.


Introduction. Global incidence of diabetes is rising rapidly. It is associated with the increasing incidence of overweight and obesity as well as population ageing. The aim of the study is to examine the prevalence of diabetes among adult residents of a typical eastern Poland district and to determine the relationship between the prevalence of diabetes and selected sociodemographic factors. Material and methods. The study involved 1225 residents of the Janów Lubelski district aged between 36 and 65 years. The research methodology for this study included a questionnaire survey. Statistical analysis was performed. Subjects were categorized into 5-year age range groups. Results. The prevalence of diabetes in the study population is 4.7%. The study shows that the frequency of diabetes increases with age. The prevalence of diabetes in each age group is as follows: 0.6% (36–40); 1.5% (41– –45); 2.0% (46–50); 5.1% (51–55); 6.4% (56–60); 11.4% (61–65). Higher prevalence of diabetes is observed in men as compared to women (6.6 % vs. 3.5%), in subjects with lower educational background as compared to subjects with higher educational background as well as in unmarried men as compared to married ones. Rural vs. urban residence and the marital status of women have no effects on the prevalence of diabetes. Conclusion. The results of the study suggest that sociodemographic factors such as gender, age, and education have an important influence on the prevalence of diabetes. Marital status also appears to be an influential factor.

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