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Vol 33, No 61 (2023): Continuous Publishing
Review paper
Published online: 2024-03-28

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Limbic encephalitis in children

Maciej Kamiński1, Justyna Paprocka12
Neurol Dziec 2023;33(61):41-53.


Limbic encephalitis (LE) is an increasingly recognised clinicopathological syndrome with an immunological basis. It is most often subacute with psychiatric and cognitive impairment, focal seizures with impaired consciousness or generalised epileptic seizures. In the past, LE was considered a rare disease, usually paraneoplastic, with an unfavourable prognosis. However, with the discovery of new antibodies against cell surface or synaptic proteins, it is now known that in a significant proportion of cases LE is unrelated to any malignancy and is associated with a good prognosis if appropriate treatment is administered early.

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